Bali Pro Cargo

We Accompany You From Purchasing To Shipping Your Goods

Bali Pro Cargo ensures the delivery of your products at competitive prices, as soon as possible in France or to your destination around the world. We take care of moving your goods from your suppliers in Indonesia, packaging them, and shipping them to France or your country of origin. It’s up to you to choose the mode of transport that best suits your needs according to the nature of your goods, their destination, your schedule, and your budget. In order to transport your goods efficiently, our shipping service provides you with various solutions.

shipping from bali

Shipping with FCL and LCL

Full Container Load (FCL)

We offer you our FCL service, where your goods are sent in a private container, without mixing them with the goods of other customers. You have the choice of sending 1 or more containers, depending on the space you need for your goods. The FCL applies only for transport by sea and road freight.

Less Container Load (LCL)

LCL (Less than Container Load) involves sending goods by sea using less than one container. If you don't need to fill a container completely, this is the best choice for you. You simply pay for the volume used by your products in the container. This is the best plan if you don't have many items.

Want to know more about shipping?
